The Green Place is the podcast of the green revolution.

The Green Place is a podcast focused on all things related to the climate and our planet.

Discourse on the climate is by and large pessimistic. However, we at The Green Place see that real change is happening as our economy finally transitions toward a sustainable equilibrium. We wanted to take some of that optimism and bring it to a larger audience for those who seek more information about how our society’s care for our planet is shifting in a positive direction. Our interviews will focus on the entrepreneurs and thinkers leading the Green Revolution.

Here you will be able to listen to conversations between our host, James Atfield, and some of the leaders helping to save Earth. Each episode will be 15 to 30 minutes in length. We know your time is valuable. So come join us over to the Green Place to learn more about the climate space and the future of our planet..

  • Ted Shabecoff


    Ted’s interest in nature began during childhood summers spent at his grandparents’ house nestled amongst the hills and woods of western Massachusetts. Ted enjoys swimming, travelling and hiking and has summited Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. He studies sustainability management at Columbia University.

  • James Atfield


    James grew up in rural Australia and has always had a passion for the environment. Having watched Australia’s already harsh environment steadily become even more extreme he has become increasingly motivated to use his experience in the financial sector to help organizations become more sustainable. James is based in New York City and is an avid runner.

  • Richie Starzec


    Richie became a passionate love of marine biology and arctic wildlife at a young age. A natural born globetrotter, Richie has traveled the world far and wide and hopes to one day see a united front to help save our Earth's beautiful and eclectic regions before climate change causes them irreversible damage.

  • Alex Cantrell


    Alex grew up fishing and hiking with his family and continues to enjoy running in nature as often as possible. He has a deep love for the Northeast and has enjoyed flying his drone through the hills and valleys, swamps, marshes, and wetlands of Massachusetts and up and down the coast. He posts his drone photography on instagram @alexdroneson. Alex works as a user experience design consultant.